Contacting UNISON
Q. How do I contact UNISON?
A. It depends on why you need to contact UNISON. If it relates to a problem at work then you should always speak to your local UNISON representative first. Please take a look at the "I have a problem at work" FAQ for more information. You may find that your local UNISON representative can answer any other general queries that you may have too. A list of UNISON reps can be found under the "At work" section of the website. If you have a general query you may find your answer on this website or you wish to view the regional website or national website. The branch office can be emailed or telephoned (in normal office hours) and there is also UNISON direct. Please view the "contact" section of the website for contact details.
Q. Can I email the branch office?
A. Yes, please view the "contact" section of the website for details.
Q. Can I telephone the branch office?
A. Yes, during normal office hours. Please view the "contact" section of the website for more details.
Q. What is the branch office address?
A. Please view the "contact" section of the website for details.
Q. What is UNISON direct?
A. UNISON direct is a UK wide UNISON phone number 08000 857 857. Lines are open 6am-midnight Monday-Friday and 9am-4pm Saturdays.
Q. I need to speak to a particular rep/branch officer?
A. There is a list of stewards under the "At Work" section of the website. You may be able to contact them using the details there. If not then messgaes can always be passed on via the branch office. See the "contact" section of the website for more details.
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