How do I join UNISON?
Q. Am I eligible to join UNISON?
A. If you work in the public sector then it is more than likely that UNISON is the right trade union for you. UNISON West Cheshire Branch covers local government and not health. So for example this branch would cover employees of the council, school support staff, FE college support staff, university support staff and those people employed by private, voluntary or community sector in the provision of public services. If you are unsure if you fall into our scope of membership then please contact the branch.
Q. How do I join UNISON?
A. The most common way to join UNISON is by completing an application form. The application form should be sent to the branch office to be processed and you would normally pay your subscriptions via deductions from your salary. Alternatively you can join online. You will need to enter various details but you can only pay by direct debit if you join online. Please visit the national website by clicking here to join online or download an application form.
Q. How much does it cost to join?
A. The subscriptions are on a sliding scale so you only pay what you can afford based on your salary. Payments are made monthly and are normally made via deductions from your salary or by direct debit. For a full list of subscription rates please click here.
Q. I want to join UNISON and pay by deductions from my salary.
A. Please download an appliaction form and complete it in full and retun to the branch at UNISON West Cheshire Branch, The Printworks, Park West, Sealand Road, Chester, CH1 4RN. Please visit the national website by clicking here to download an application form.
Q. I want to join UNISON and pay by direct debit.
A. The easiest way to do this is to join online by clicking here.
Q. Do the application forms come in different languages?
A. Yes they do. Please visit the national website by clicking here to view the different forms available.
Q. Can I just join UNISON if and when I have a problem?
A. No, it does not work like that. You can join but you won't be entitled to any legal assistance. You wouldn't take out home insurance after your house has burnt down would you? UNISON rule states that "the member must have been in membership of the union for at least 4 weeks prior to the member knowing that she/he had need of legal assistance and seeks legal assistance from the union". And UNISON is not just about reacting to things going wrong. UNISON membership is about actively campaigning and organising to improve things for yourself and your colleagues.
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need is your bank details and you’re set.
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