NJC Branch Consultation - Pay 2024-2025
18/12/2023UNISON nationally has asked every Branch to consult their members on whether they agree to the proposed pay claim for 2024-2025.
1. An increase of 10% or £3,000, whichever is the greater.
2. A commitment to reach a minimum rate of pay of £15 an hour over the next two years, with a clear plan for how this will be achieved.
3. Reviews of the gender, ethnicity and disability pay gaps in local government
In order to have your say it is important that you let us know whether you agree with the proposed claim.
We have set up a survey for you to respond to, and would be grateful if you could
click here: West Cheshire Branch NJC Pay Consultation for 2024/5 (alchemer.eu)
by no later than Monday, 22nd January 2024, in order that we can feed back our results to UNISON HQ.
Attached below is the pay claim in full and a copy of the Spinal Column Points illustrating the claim.
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